RECONCILIATION by Pastor Scott Henry

“God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself” (2 Corinthians 5:19).

Paul says in our text that God was performing a work of reconciliation in Christ by imputing our sins to Jesus Christ and His righteousness to us. God did this in order that Christ might wash away our sins with His own blood on the cross and restore us to fellowship with God. That’s the truth of the cross, the Good News of the Gospel. And the Apostle Paul was very zealous that this glorious truth of what God has done in Christ be declared by every preacher. He says in vs. 18 that God has “given to us the ministry of reconciliation.” And again in vs. 20, “we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.”

This reconciliation must be preached to all men. If two nations were on the verge of war, but the leaders reached an agreement then men would be commissioned to declare the news of this reconciliation in the streets to the comfort of the citizens. If a husband and wife are reconciled by forgiveness in their marriage and the threat of divorce is destroyed, the first thing they do is call the family together and announce that they have been reconciled to one another. In the same way, reconciliation between God and man must be officially declared in the name of Christ. Therefore, Christ has gifted, called, ordained, and commissioned ministers to preach the Gospel — the Good News — that God was in Christ reconciling to Himself all whom He gave to Christ (John 6:37) by removing the enmity, guilt, power, and consequences of their sin and restoring them to a right relationship with God.

Therefore, Paul says that ministers are “ambassadors for Christ.” Ambassadors are messengers or representatives who speak not in their own name or authority, or deliver their own message or opinion. Rather, the ambassador of Christ has been sent by God on behalf of Christ to declare, through preaching, what God has done through Jesus Christ. Do you want to know how to recognize a faithful minister of Christ? He says what God says, not his own opinions, but what God says! There’s a lot of stuff today that passes for preaching, but it’s nothing more than cattle fodder. True preaching is the call and declaration of God to all who hear of what God has done in Christ.

Therefore, God commands these words to be heralded, “Be ye reconciled to God.” These words are a call to repentance. God has reconciled believers unto Himself and we must demonstrate we are reconciled to God by obeying Him. Are you one who is reconciled to God through Christ? Then keep on turning away from the evil ways of this world. Don’t think as the world thinks, speak as the world speaks, or live as the world lives (Romans 12:1-2). Don’t pamper your lusts and your sinful ways, but with a humble and contrite heart obey the Gospel call. Confess and repent of your sins and show yourself as one to whom God has been reconciled through Christ. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth, finding out what is acceptable to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:8). Only by being reconciled to God through Christ will we find abundance of joy and peace forevermore. Trust Christ today — there’s no other hope.